We are upon that time of election season. With the rate of how our country is snowballing. I'm not even sure what to expect for this next election. I really don't care about political parties and choosing the lesser of two evils. We as a nation have gone off course and not sure what solutions can be remedy. I don't think the government or the political people in office have the solutions. Once you realize it's about control and getting rid of the middle class to basically enslave you. In these recent years the plot of evil continues to grow. I think bringing back a good old practice T&F to keep people honest and true is a great thing. All for other options, but it's time to keep it real. Keep your powder dry my friends.
The practice of tarring and feathering was exported to the Americas, gaining popularity in the mid-18th century. Throughout the 1760s it saw increased usage as a means of protesting the Townshend Revenue Act and those who sought to enforce it. After a period of few tarrings and featherings between 1770 and 1773, the passage of the Tea Act in May 1773 led to a resurgence of incidents.
During the Stamp Act 1765 crisis, Archibald McCall, a wealthy Loyalist landowner, was targeted by a Patriot mob in Westmoreland and Essex County, Virginia. He insisted on collecting the British tax that was placed on stamps and other documents. In reaction, a mob formed and stormed his house in Tappahannock, Virginia. They threw rocks through the windows, and McCall was captured, tarred and feathered. In 1766, Captain William Smith was tarred, feathered, and dumped into the harbor of Norfolk, Virginia, by a mob that included the town's mayor. A vessel picked him out of the water just as his strength was giving out. He survived and was later quoted as saying that they "dawbed my body and face all over with tar and afterwards threw feathers on me." Smith was suspected of informing on smugglers to the British customs agents, as was the case with most other tar-and-feathers victims in the following decade.
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- Release date: 11/02/23